Precis (what I want to explore) Brain computer interfaces the future of technology


 For my creative production I chose Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” as an Influence/ Inspiration. I would say one of the biggest themes of the movie is being unable to decipher between reality and the subconscious mind. It is a very complex movie that explores the human mind and delves into the world of dreams. For my second project I want to expand/ include this theme of reality perception. Cognitive psychology and how the mind works is an interest of mine and something I want to explore. I consider myself pretty visionary as I always find myself day dreaming thinking of what could be and often am lost in my thoughts. A topic I want to explore and connect to the overall theme of reality perception is the futuristic technology of brain computer interfaces. BCI technology has huge potential and may change many things as we know it. Many people have never heard of BCI technology but it is something that is definitely being developed and the possibilities are endless. Already wireless BCIs have been developed where one can stream their thoughts via radio waves. Imagine being able to send text messages by simply thinking of what to say, or type a college paper without having to type at all. The BCI receives your brain waves, interprets them, and them convert them into electromagnetic waves (usually radio) that can be received anywhere. Imagine hands off driving being able to control your vehicle by thought. Things like these have already been developed but haven’t been made available commercially yet. BCIs already work one way they can receive brain signals and turn them into radio waves, but I think the largest advancements and the greatest potential will be when we are able to make it work both ways. If it can convert brain waves into data/radio waves it’s only a matter of time before we are able to do the opposite and convert data/radio waves back into brain waves. Once these wireless BCIs are able to convert both ways you won’t even need a channel/medium to send receive these messages/thoughts, we will simply be able to communicate from my BCI to your BCI we could have a conversation simply through thought (pretty much technology enabled telepathy).If you had a smart home as well as a wireless BCI you would be able to adjust your thermostat or turn your lights on/off simply with a thought. I believe this is the next progression after the internet. A new collective of information that can be accessed by all through BCIs where people can communicate and share information. Not a world wide web but a worldwide interface. Considering how our brain controls our perception I believe BCIs will be able to be used to alter/ enhance our perception. I want to take these future technologies and use them to explore how they will affect our perception of reality in the future and problems that may arise. I want to explore humanism and how the advancement of these technologies will affect the concept of self and what the human experience means. This is not science fiction but real technology in development and something not many are aware of or know anything about.


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